Our physical bookstore is located at Rio Piedras, Puerto Rico with more that 50,000 different titles in inventory for sale, including NEW and USED university and school (K-12) textbooks, literature, dictionaries, bibles, general interest books and other. Here at our website in eCrater we only have less than 1 % of our total inventory so if you are interested in an item that is not listed here, please, email us to adolfo_zequeira_g@yahoo.com and we will tell you if we have it !!
We are all about customer satisfaction. Every item is listed with the most truthful and detailed description. We would never intend to mislead anyone about our products.
Our goal is to provide excellent and personable service to all of our customers. Should you need assistance with an order or have any concerns, please do not hesitate and feel free to contact us!
email: adolfo_zequeira_g@yahoo.com
Our physical address:
Libreria Fenix
1008 Ave Ponce de Leon
San Juan PR USA 00925-2906
We are a bookstore with more than 30 years of experience.
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For Contact Us, please, click BELOW on "Contact"